Category: 3PL Benefits
Expedited Freight and Shipping in the Pharmaceutical Industry: How 3PL Companies Contribute to Success
In the pharmaceutical industry, few factors matter more than a backing of solid, reliable, flexible logistics. Knowing that you can trust expedited freight to arrive in the hands of the manufacturers, medical professionals, and researchers is key to the business, yet many manufacturers settle for sub-par solutions—and suffering for it on their bottom line. Working with a 3PL company familiar with the myriad necessities of the pharmaceutical industry, capable of delivering expedited freight and shipping anywhere you need it to be, with all the appropriate precautions, isn’t just a good idea; it’s a game-changer.
What 3PL Companies Bring to Logistics
To understand the advantages a pharmaceutical company might see in its logistics by working with a 3PL, consider the nature of such a company: Experts specializing in the singular task of getting things where they need to be, undistracted by other concerns except as they interfere with the issue at hand. Most companies simply cannot afford the upkeep of a dedicated staff focused entirely on this single issue, but by utilizing a 3PL, you get that expertise sans the associated capital costs of hiring, training, and maintaining such a team with the latest in tools and software.
Expedited Freight without Error
By working with a 3PL to handle expedited freight, a pharmaceutical business gains the benefits of speed without error—the practiced familiarity of a specialist in logistics cannot be underestimated as a benefit for this reason alone. A familiarity with regulations, regional laws, changes in shipping expectations, and myriad other details which might slip by a non-specialist logistics officer will be caught and compensated for by a company specializing solely in offering top-notch freight and shipping options. It doesn’t matter, after all, how quickly you’re expedited freight should reach its destination, if a mistake makes it arrive much later.
Flexibility and Increased Security
A 3PL inherently offers flexibility in all forms of expedited freight and day-to-day shipping solutions, because such a company needs to be equipped and ready to meet the needs of very different client corporations. This means that unlike an in-house logistics team, a 3PL never runs into unfamiliar situations, needs to rush to arrange something they’ve never worked on before, or finds itself caught up by issues of scalability and general flexibility. When pharmaceutical reps receive goods, clients can have peace of mind with scheduled appointment times and restricted signatures. By working with a 3PL, pharmaceutical businesses can confidently adjust to the market and know they have a reliable logistics solution ready to keep up.
Meeting Special Situations
Ultimately, the biggest trap in pharmaceutical industry logistics lay in unusual situations, unanticipated by anyone. The regulations at hand, the expectations of customers and business partners, the limitations of even the most expedited freight system, these come together to produce scenarios with no clear ‘win’ in sight. By working with a 3PL, however, you gain access to the single trait most valuable in resolving unusual circumstances: experience. The varied logistical experience of a 3PL’s staff, combined with the myriad tools and data such a company keeps at hand, mean you’re far more likely to develop workable solutions to the messiest expedited freight situations when you engage the services of one.
Final Thoughts
Ultimately, it falls to each individual company to determine the benefits it might see from working with a 3PL—if you’re confident in your in-house solutions and rarely encounter problems, you may consider the expenditure unnecessary. Just keep in mind that even well-established systems can be streamlined and perfected with the assistance of an extra set of eyes and the application of specialized tools—and when you perfect your logistics, streamlining expedited freight and cutting wasteful spending in the process, you’re certain to see an improvement on the bottom line.
STC Logistics specializes in expedited freight logistics solutions, including ground shipping, for the pharmaceutical industry. We are one of the top trusted pharmaceutical logistics companies in NJ. To learn more about our pharmaceutical logistics, click below!
How to Avoid Last-Minute Retail Logistics Mishaps

A misstep with your retail logistics can cause dramatic profit losses even when you see it coming from a mile away–when you’re blindsided by last-minute mishap, those losses become nearly inevitable. With that hard fact in mind, it behooves a retailer content to protect its profitability by working out flexible, reliable, trustworthy logistics solutions. For most businesses, there’s one simple way to manage this: the services of a reputable Third-Party Logistics (3PL) provider. Wondering how a 3PL can empower retail logistics, improve bottom lines, and insulate companies from last-minute mishaps? Read on.
What a 3PL Offers
At its core, what a 3PL offers is the experience and efficacy of an advanced in-house logistics team without the associated costs of hiring, training, outfitting, and maintaining such a team full time. By leveraging that level of experience and familiarity with retail logistics on a part-time basis, you can achieve much greater efficiency in every aspect of your supply chain—which means big savings and big profits, in the long term.
And unlike an in-house team, a 3PL has zero issues with scalability, myriad tools which may only see use in unusual circumstances, and many other advantages of adaptability which a savvy retailer can leverage to their benefit. Few retail logistics solutions offer as much.
Avoiding Retail Logistics Mishaps
By working together with a 3PL to develop flexible retail logistics strategies, you can minimize or even eliminate the opportunity for most mishaps to arise. When regulations change, or a particular shipping route becomes less effective and thus less profitable, a 3PL will be far more likely to spot that change and adapt accordingly—saving you from wasteful shipping, delays, and other retail logistics nightmares.
But even the greatest plan and greatest analysis can’t offer 100% coverage from all mistakes and unexpected occurrences. That’s where the other great strength of a 3PL comes to the rescue: the nature of a 3PL means a much greater agility in developing workaround solutions and last-minute logistical fixes than anything an in-house retail logistics team working with mainstream shipping services could provide.
Turn Logistical Traps into Opportunities
The savviest businesses will take their logistics one step further than safe, by turning the same events which become mishaps for their competitors into opportunities. By being the first business in your market to adapt to changing logistical situations, and thus maintaining lower prices or better offers than those competitors which took the shift’s full brunt, you can turn yesterday’s pitfalls into today’s grand opportunities. All it takes is flexibility and a willingness to act quickly to capitalize on such chances.
Final Thoughts
If you take the reliability of your logistics at all seriously, investing in the services of a 3PL provider may be the best option for your business—a cost-effective way to maximize the efficiency of your supply chains, avoid mishaps as they arise, and adapt to changes in the way you receive your retail goods. STC Logistics has several years of experience working in the retail procurement industry, providing reliable logistics solutions for new store openings, POP display campaigns, rollouts and distributions, and much more. Click below to learn more about our retail logistics services!
Expedited Logistics: Four Benefits of Working with a 3PL Provider
Expedited logistics are required for many reasons—especially with retail logistics and pharmaceutical logistics—primarily for ensuring that a product launch is made on time, that products are available at a manufacturing site or that a time-sensitive shipment gets to a customer quickly and undamaged. Expedited logistics have played a major role in the economy and throughout the supply chain process to meet time-sensitive deadlines while still upholding the quality that the client requires. These fast freight shipping services are typically carried out through air freight preferences – although, a savvy 3PL provider may be able to provide ground and ocean options, depending on the transit times, weather forecasts and other factors.
Determining the Best Schedule
When a business decides to work with a 3PL for expedited logistics, they’re able to attend to their own schedule without being hindered by an extremely regimented shipping routine. The 3PL can determine the most direct shipping schedule for reliable logistics, leaving the business to only worry about their customers’ needs.
Additionally, customers often appreciate being given several options for freight shipping, such as same day, next day, weekend and 3-5 day services. Small businesses can gain more favor with their clients if they are able to meet last-minute deadlines which expedited logistics allow them to.
Customer Choice & Satisfaction
One of the main reasons 3PL offersexpedited logistics is that it gives the customer a choice. If they are missing critical fixtures from a time-sensitive campaign or have received the wrong equipment, they can have peace of mind that an expedited service will help them resolve the issue. While this service is available for an increased cost, the benefits far outweigh any risks. Using a 3PL for expedited logistics gives a business the ability to make an informed choice for their most demanding needs.
Another equally important reason to have expedited logistics is customer satisfaction. When a customer is in jeopardy of missing a launch or needs help, demonstrating the flexibility of providing on-time delivery allows a 3PL to prove as a dependable freightshipping source in the eyes of the client.
Improved Processing Time
When placing an order, part of the time spent waiting for the shipment is processing time. This is the time it takes to pick the product from the warehouse, load it onto a method of transportation and actually ship it out. Expedited logistics minimize the amount of processing time therefore decreasing delivery time to the consumer. This leads to a satisfied and potentially repeat customer. Client retention and loyal relationships is crucial to having a successful 3PL connection.
Experienced Service
By using a 3PL for expedited logistics, a business can rest easy knowing that they trust their freight with a company that providesreliablelogistics in all shapes, sizes, time zones and time frames. 3PL are well equipped to handle any shipping issue that might arise, whereas a hiccup in a small business’ shipping plans could very well cripple sales.
Expedited logistics has considerably improved with technology. From improved shipment visibility to the more accurate tracking of information, to quicker speeds, expedited shipping services are assisting the largest and smallest customers by ensuring deliveries are on-time and with the utmost standards of quality.As technology continues to improve, expedited logistics will become even more critical to the success of an organization, and utilizing a 3PL to accomplish these needs will reduce risk.
STC Logistics is one of the most trusted logistics companies in NJ and offers expedited logistics that are especially important for retail and pharmaceutical industries. To learn more about our shipping options, click below!
Global Logistics: Benefits of Working with an International 3PL Provider
For successful companies, the primary differentiator from competitors may be the efficiency of their supply chain. An uninterrupted supply chain adds value to the company because it determines the pace at which other operations can press ahead. A bottleneck in the supply chain can have an adverse impact on the company’s brand, revenues, customer satisfaction, and profitability.
More small, mid-size and enterprise level companies are realizing the numerous benefits by outsourcing supply chain management and logistics to a 3PL provider. A 3PL partner has the logistics advantages, including expertise, technology and network connections, to ensure that the warehousing and transportation component of the operations moves in the right direction.
A 3PL provides businesses with reliable logistics solutions that include the following benefits:
Wide Network of Resources
By working with a 3PL provider, a business can take advantage of a vast network of resources and carriers. This enables providers to execute each step along the supply chain efficiently and cost-effectively through leveraging assets, relationships and industry knowledge and experience. It results in lower overhead and quick service delivery because of the international 3PL provider availability of resources that in-house operations cannot match.
Save Time and Money
More businesses find that they can save both time and money by outsourcing their logistics to third-party logistics providers. Generally, these companies provide warehousing, transportation (ground, air, rail and sea), proprietary technology and integrated operation services.
Business owners and executives can tailor the 3PL provider services to meet market demands and customer needs. The right logistics service provider has a global network in place to handle paperwork, customs documentation, billing, audits and staffing necessary to efficiently move goods where they need to go for the lowest cost.
Industry Expertise and Experience
3PLs should have knowledge of industry best practices when it comes to packaging, transporting and storing goods in an organized and cost-effective manner. Service providers stay up-to-date with the latest advances in technology, manufacturing and logistics. They have state-of-the-art applications, supply chain transparency, transportation management and inventory control.
Scalability and Flexibility
Three key benefits to outsourcing logistics has to do with the flexibility to scale space, transportation and labor, especially if you experience a sudden spike in demand. Firms that have seasonal variations in their business can plan their budgets accordingly and adjust inventory, space and other resources up or down when needed. Businesses looking to grow and expand into other markets have in place the logistic infrastructure to support their strategic initiatives with incurring increase in costs.
Best Practices and Optimization
Cloud computing, proprietary systems and other technology platforms make it easier to outsource logistics. Smart, transformed companies understand the value that a reliable, accurate and timely supply chain has on the business. Reliable third-party logistics companies have proven cost-effective systems geared to move a large volume of goods and ensure that they get to the location on time.
Economy of scale allows 3PLs to build a network and provide the resources businesses need to be flexible and scalable and ensure important needs are met. Third-party logistics providers have the latest technology, industry knowledge and systems to make sure that customer shipments arrive in top condition, at the right place, at the right quantity, and in the right time frame.
The third-party logistics firm should provide the customer with transparency, access and the ability to track everything the client needs to know through an interface, data warehousing, advanced reporting and customer-facing web portals.
Companies of all sizes can benefit from working with a 3PL provider. Choose a 3PL provider that has the system, financial capabilities and expertise to deliver the requisite services to make operations more effective and efficient.
STC Logistics offers international and domestic freight services. To learn more about our shipping options, click below!
5 Steps for Taking Your Logistics Green
Business changes can be intimidating and often costly—especially if these changes lack clear-cut numbers for your return on investment. Adopting more green, environmentally-friendly options for your supply chain does not sound like something that can quickly improve your business’ bottom line, but the eventual benefits can lead to quite a positive ROI.
Of course, significant supply chain changes should never be taken lightly, and it’s important to conduct thorough research on green business practices in advance. Consider these tips before you encourage your business to “go green”:
1) Establish a baseline: Like anything in business, it’s important to set up a plan before making any significant changes to your operating system. Creating a sustainability baseline is a great start. Analyze each department of staff and compile the operational statistics that will provide you with the data needed to determine your carbon footprint and value drivers.
2) Find your opportunities: Once you’ve determined your business’ carbon footprint and value drivers, start doing some research. Find the areas where making reductions will align with value drivers. This could include reducing excess waste or byproducts; reducing areas where there is a disconnect, such as the amount of fuel used for transport of goods, compared to the actual transit time taken for your business’ logistics needs. The more opportunities for your business to adjust, the better.
3) Invest in certifications: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has created the SmartWay program, which is designed to improve fuel efficiency and environmental performance in transportation supply chains. The EPA works with small trucking companies, rail carriers, commercial manufacturers and retailers. Businesses and 3PL’s can partner with this organization to track fuel consumption and improve transportation performance, access freight supply chain best practices which reduce costs and emissions, and address carbon-risk throughout their supply chain by improving energy and environmental efficiency of freight operations. There is also the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) program, a green building certification that encourages the best and healthiest building strategies and practices. Each building needs to meet a certain number of prerequisites in order to qualify for certification in fields like construction, interior design and building operations.
4) Learn the benefits and breaks: Depending on your location, there are a variety of tax breaks, credits and loan guarantees for any business that qualifies for environmental improvements through the state and/or federal government. The Recovery Act established in 2009 was designed to provide more benefits and incentives for businesses thinking about taking their supply chains green.
5) Get the word out: Once your green changes have been enacted, don’t forget to let your consumers know! Going green has become a positive buzzword in last two decades, and many Americans are fine with spending a little more if they know what they’re purchasing will have a positive effect on the environment.
While these are only a few tips regarding taking your logistics green, there are plenty of other options for you to consider when partnering with a 3PL provider. By utilizing the latest technology and most efficient logistics practices, 3pl providers can devise the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly logistics solution for your business—whether you’re shipping by air, land or sea.
STC Logistics is a certified SmartWay Transport Partner and has implemented ways to improve environmental performance and address carbon-risk throughout our supply chain. To learn more about our services, please click below.
From Planning to Delivery: Holiday POP Displays
Busy retailers need to consider a multitude of details when planning for a holiday season. In order to meet the needs of customers during a rush such as Black Friday or Christmas, retailers must always be logistically proactive in making sure seasonal displays and products get delivered on time and in ideal condition to attract customers. Even for day-to-day operation or a brand new rollout plan, having an excellent third party logistics provider will guarantee that all customers are satisfied while business runs smoothly.
Proactive Preplanning of Holiday POP Displays
Planning to setup successful POP displays means the displays and products must arrive on schedule and organized in order to maximize efficiency. Working with a 3PL provider can take care of the many details of preplanning an upcoming holiday season, ensuring sales will go smoothly. Using technology that helps scan for and manage issues, a great 3PL provider will assess and correct any potential problems before they have a chance to occur. Your 3PL can also handle all of the logistic planning needed to execute a flawless holiday season, alleviating some of the stress that retailers experience during busy seasons.
Intelligent Bundling
Many retailers can make the mistake of using logistics providers that are behind the times. Oftentimes these dated methods are far from the most efficient way to order and transport displays and products. These inefficiencies slow business and create lags in schedules, leading to extra costs and exceeded budgets. By handling all details of the ordering process, 3PL providers cut out many of the “middle men” which may cause confusion and slow the process for retailers. Retail-specialized providers will ensure the most efficient method for ordering, transporting, and delivering all POP displays so retailers can spend their time focusing on the daily needs of the store, rather than the transport of materials.
Safe Handling and Delivery of POP Displays
A number of risks are involved with the transport and delivery of holiday POP displays, including the collection of dust or dirt, corrosion of materials or exposure to the elements. These hazards, combined with the risk of damage due to jostling during transport, can weaken the overall effect of these displays and therefore must be avoided. An experienced and professional 3PL provider will guarantee that all POP displays will arrive safely and in the condition they are meant to be. Searching for the safest and quickest route ensures that POP displays are minimally handled and protected through their delivery.
Timely Deliveries
One of the most important steps to a successful holiday season is ensuring all products and POP displays arrive on time so that merchandise can hit shelves as soon as customers demand. During the busiest seasons of the year, retail employees may become disorganized and struggle to order deliveries properly—resulting in product campaign delays and lost profit. By allowing a qualified 3PL provider to handle the details, retailers can focus on running day to day business rather than worrying about the timing of deliveries. 3PL providers specialize in delivering freight on time, whether it’s for a holiday rush, restock, or rollout operation. STC Logistics ensures timely and safe deliveries for any season with a 99% on-time delivery of undamaged goods for the last 15 years.
As a retailer, there’s no reason to stress over the details of making sure POP displays are handled and delivered correctly when dedicated, professional 3PL providers are willing to make sure each step in the process is controlled perfectly. Making sure each display is ordered in a timely fashion, transported carefully, delivered on time and in great condition, STC Logistics manages any potential issue that could interfere with an entirely successful holiday rush or rollout. An experienced 3PL provider ensures a seamless delivery service, helping any retail establishment avoid challenges during the most demanding time of the year.
Shipping Cosmetic Displays: Planning and Execution
Cosmetics hold a vital percentage of business in today’s retail environment. Cosmetic displays are just as important as the cosmetics themselves, as they are the ones that attract and influence customers to make a purchase. It is crucial for the process of shipping cosmetic displays to be very well planned out and executed. Logistics providers must ensure that displays are shipped on time and in mint condition.
Planning Process
Partnering with an efficient third party logistics provider can facilitate the process of shipping cosmetic displays to a great extent. However, it is essential that a retail company first researches various available logistic providers and their methods of packaging and shipping before a decision is made. Research is necessary to make a partnership decision based on the 3pl expertise in the industry.
A reliable logistics service provider always places an emphasis on the planning process before shipping cosmetic displays and all other similar delicate products. Therefore, the selected 3pl company that ships their cosmetic displays must follow quality organizational practices before and during the transportation process.
Detailed conversations regarding the organizational practices will a give a retailer better insight of the technologies and regulations adopted by the logistics provider. Retailers should consider the following when choosing a business partner to ship their cosmetic displays:
- Adopted packaging methods and handling instructions
- Adopted track-keeping practices – keeping track of the shipment is of paramount importance for timely deliveries
- Stocking locations
- Delivery notification practices
- Financial benefits of specific partnership
A sufficient retail industry logistic provider must have a well-built organizational pattern for performing effective and efficient shipping for new store openings and marketing/advertising campaigns. A reliable 3pl provider will guarantee smooth flow of activities on the promised schedule with no harm to the products.
Planning a successful shipment of cosmetic displays is more than flawless organization. One of the thumb rules a 3pl provider must always follow is that the shipment is delivered on time. Either for a new store launch or re-launch of an old store, timely delivery of the products is a first demand any reliable logistic company must fulfill. With all the extra time calculated in advance, the shipment must be at required destination on or before the time.
Usually, the materials used for cosmetic displays are glass or plastic appearing like glass. Not only are these products prone to cracks during the process of packing, unpacking, loading and unloading due to jolts, but are also prone to scratches, which tend to drastically deteriorate their aesthetics. Retailers or wholesalers should consider the following points to avoid entrusting the responsibility of shipping cosmetic displays to an amateur company:
- Whether the logistic company will give due care to the products during any kind of jolts, vibrations and shocks during transit.
- Whether the packaging and stocking will be done in a manner to prevent the products from dirt and dust.
- Whether the packaging will be proper to give sufficient cushions (with the help of foam packaging) to the delicate products like cosmetic displays.
For a logistic company to be a reliable service provider, paying due attention to all these concerns, its organizational practices must include different handling instructions for a variety of specific goods, in this case for shipping cosmetic displays.
STC logistics is a renowned name in the field of shipping products, with all means of transportation, including air, ocean, rail and ground. The company has gained trust of the big retail stores for the diligence, punctuality and transparency it has to offer to its clientele. If you are looking for a logistic company that meets all its promises, just make a call at 1-800-547-4324 for more details.
To learn more about our retail procurement logistics solutions, cilck below!
Advanced Logistics Technology: The Benefits of Proprietary Logistics Services
Whether you run a new or established business, you know how important it is to have your goods carefully prepared, shipped and arrive at their destination on time. Failure to do so can have a negative impact on your customers—and even more so on your business—when issues like delivery delays, damaged items and cost overruns. Your reputation suffers and you can lose out on revenue, resulting in a black eye to your bottom line.
A New Advanced Logistics Technology
How do you choose the right 3PL provider for you? You can shop around for a logistics solution and review all of your options or quickly choose a 3PL provider and simply live with your choice, hoping your goods don’t get damaged by trial and error.
Rather than take a chance with just any 3PL provider, STC makes available a new technology for all of our clients. Electronic Logistics Format, also known as E.L.F., manages the logistics, shipping, and tracking of your freight, alongside our logistics team and allows for visibility and flexibility. This tool is a proprietary services logistics technology that supports traffic managers or anyone who handles major regional or nationwide distributions, pickup assembly services, and multi-location rollouts.
What the E.L.F. Logistics Technology Does
E.L.F. logistics technology helps you accomplish a number of tasks. First of all, this service coordinates every stage of your shipping order. You would send our logistics experts at STC a spreadsheet that contains your shipment’s information; we can receive information by EDI, Excel or any format you prefer to use. STC will then develop a customized rollout or a multi-destination distribution blueprint.
From there, STC Logistics uses the E.L.F. logistics technology to plan, organize, and arrange for the final delivery of your cargo. The shipment’s progress is also tracked and traced through its numerous steps, in conjunction with our expert customer service team; we will never lose sight of your goods.
Before your freight goes into transit, you will review and approve the logistics plan, pickup and delivery specifications, your pricing estimates, and the shipment’s delivery date. Everything is sorted out well before your shipment’s pickup is made. Preplanning is a key factor for a successful logistics design.
Your Own Mini-Website
After your shipment’s order is approved, STC’s IT department publishes your E.L.F. logistics technology design to a web-based viewing area. This is your very own “mini-website” for the distribution project. Your web portal is linked directly to STC’s internal operating system and is updated in real-time. You’ll be able to see the status of any of your shipments as they happen and delivery POD’s as they arrive.
Any relevant parties you choose will be granted access to the “mini-website” and allow them to follow the status of your shipment. This way, everyone who you’ve appointed will see that the shipment is picked up, shipped, and arrived on time to the correct recipient.
The Benefits of Proprietary Logistics
When you partner with a 3PL provider like STC Logistics, you can enjoy the logistics technology benefits that you wouldn’t necessarily see from other logistics technology products. Consider these perks:
- Eliminates the confusion experienced when random shippers pick up and deliver your items. Using STC Logistics as an extension of your team keeps everything under one roof.
- Improves pick up times, length time in transit, and the actual delivery date and time by providing a schedule in advance.
- Reliable nationwide affiliates allow for consolidation of goods, TSA certified access to all airports and strong networks to meet your deadlines. We are all linked together through the system.
- You receive an entirely coordinated effort from the team to ensure that your shipment arrives safely, undamaged, and on time. Adjustments are easily made and updates are in real-time.
STC Logistics uses the very latest in advanced technology with its specialized Electronic Logistics Format logistics technology. For more information or to obtain a quote for your next shipment, contact us 24/7 at 800-547-4324. To learn more about the industries we specialize in, click the button below.
Using Technology for Product Launch and Rollout Distribution
Since logistics service provider environment has become highly competitive over the last few years, offering customers the services they expect while adding value to their organizations, is something that a Third Party Logistics (3PL) provider must do to increase market share. Although it seems easy, changing demands, raised expectations and unforeseeable events can prevent 3PL providers from achieving their goals. Yet, most of these providers successfully manage different tasks, including product launch distributions for new store openings and large scale rollout distributions of procurement fixtures. How do they do it?
Using Technology to Deliver What Customers Expect
Product launch distribution defines a real challenge for all logistics providers. This is simply because product launches and rollout distribution imply fixed delivery dates that cannot be postponed. To help these providers manage such tasks, a series of logistics management software solutions have been developed. However, the real value of these solutions for 3PL providers can only be established by analyzing evaluating software products against logistics best practices, which have the obligation of helping companies in the industry meet customer requirements in addition to meeting the terms of international regulations.
- Avoiding Delays: Since ‘on-the–dot’ delivery is critical for product and procurement rollout distribution, most logistics management software systems provide an end-to-end infrastructure that allows users to plan shipping executions within a single interface. From simple domestic transportation tasks, to complex multimodal moves over different geographies, logistics software gives 3PL providers the ability to schedule, optimize and complete the movement of goods anywhere in the world. Further, it boosts operational efficiency while increasing the profitability of all those involved in the process.
- Gaining Visibility: Logistics software also provides in-depth visibility in supply chains, allowing logistics providers to identify process gaps that may cause supply chain disruptions. In addition, 3PL providers can use a logistics software solution to collect and process relevant, real-time data for advance planning. Cutting-edge transportation and logistics technologies also help users boost their supply chain operations and gain a competitive advantage by successfully meeting product launch distribution dates for new store openings.
- Managing Warehouses: Unlike manual inventory systems, logistics technologies propose flexible, advanced, feature-rich applications that assist logistics providers in managing warehouses and monitoring inventory precisely, even in the most complex distribution and storage schemes. As a result, the entire supply chain can be designed more efficiently, which will turn even the most difficult rollout and distribution tasks into simple endeavors.
- Forecasting Demand: Developing a functional logistics strategy is impossible without forecasting demand. Knowing exactly what is needed, when it is needed is critical for a 3PL provider to succeed in logistics and supply chain industry. Logistics software products include a series of demand forecasting functions, which permit users to anticipate future needs. This is especially useful when dealing with product launches and rollout distribution, which typically requires strategic Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP).
- Cutting Costs: Logistics management software solutions not only deliver appropriate tools for effective product launch distribution and large scale procurement rollouts, but also include features that monitor the performance and profitability of logistics providers along with trends and seasonality within this industry. These features are very important since cutting costs represents one of the most important goals of an organization.
In conclusion, logistics software helps 3PL providers centralize control, cut costs, accomplish timelines, eliminate inefficiencies, increase productivity and streamline shipping processes for successful product rollout distribution.
Having a market-leading transportation and logistics software management solution on its side, STC Logistics specializes in logistics solutions for new store openings, small or large rollout distribution programs, pharmaceuticals, marketing/advertising campaigns, critical product launch introductions and much more. We are able to propose a comprehensive list of technologies and services for new store openings and rollout distribution management for all industries. Unlike other 3PL providers, we take the extra step and quickly provide a pre-scheduled rollout distribution plan to efficiently provide client solutions. Our efficient practices help clients take advantage of reduced costs, increased profits and excellent service.
Click here to learn more about our logistics specialties.
Open Your New Store with a Third Party Logistics (3PL) Provider
Third Party Logistics (3PL) providers offer a wealth of benefits to the retail procurement industry. Given their extensive knowledge of supply chain management, these providers deliver a comprehensive solution for assembly, distribution, packaging and warehousing. When opening a new store, employing a 3PL gives companies reliable competitive advantages through advanced logistics solutions, in turn, amplifying profitability.
There are several reasons why a retail company could benefit from a partnership with a 3PL provider, including:
- Cost savings
- Extensive knowledge
- Flexibility
- Optimization
- Resource network
Cost Savings
When opening a new store, one of the greatest concerns is capital. However, by utilizing a 3PL provider, companies will save on time and money. A logistics provider will eliminate the need for staffing, technological tracking and upgrades, transportation and warehousing.
Instead, the store will systematically request new inventory by a specific date and the 3PL will deliver. This will eliminate costly mistakes, thus lowering risks and allowing the business to grow. Billing, distribution audits, optimization, paperwork, staffing and training to ensure the store’s products are shipped accordingly are all the responsibility of the logistics provider.
Extensive Knowledge
One of the primary reasons a company should work with a 3PL provider to open a new store is their extensive expertise with all aspects of the supply chain. 3PL’s are aware of all logistics best practices and remain up-to-date on the most recent technological developments. Their software can provide advanced reporting, automated inventory management and procedural visibility to ensure the store can track and report upon the movement of goods.
With the ability to scale labor, space and transportation based on inventory requirements, companies that function during seasonal time periods will enjoy minimal strain during this transition. This allows stores to consume more warehouse space and resources during the busy season and less during the off-season.
Moreover, a 3PL provider gives companies the opportunity to expand into different regions without any logistical barriers. Most logistics companies have strategically-located distribution centers to guarantee the quick shipping of goods. This decentralization strategy allows for lower costs and improved delivery times.
With the resources to adjust and improve all aspects of the supply chain, 3PL providers will utilize the quickest and most cost effective method to ensure their client’s needs are met. By implementing the resources to restructure the supply chain at any time, logistics providers can analyze and monitor practices which will eliminate inefficiencies thus streamlining the process. Although the store will only see the fruit of these labors through on-time, accurate deliveries, it is important to know that 3PL providers are working to deliver the best costs while keeping efficiency and optimization in mind.
Resource Network
Finally, with a vast network of resources at their fingertips (which provides a competitive advantage over internal supply chains) 3PL’s utilize a resource network ensuring every step along the supply chain is efficient and cost-effective. For instance, logistics providers can utilize relationships to acquire volume discounts which will lower overhead while maintaining fast service. Stores will benefit from the relationships their 3PL have built through an improvement in the bottom line.
About STC Logistics
Founded in 1992, STC Logistics specializes in retail procurement and new store opening logistics with a pledge to deliver superior and flexible solutions. We maintain a resolute commitment to offer the most valuable and resourceful technological solutions to its clients regardless of destination, size or weight. As a result, our company has become a trusted provider of logistics solutions for many industry partners, especially in the retail procurement industry.
To learn more about how our logistics specialists can help you open your new store, contact us by clicking here or call us at 800-547-4324.
For more information about selecting a Third Party Logistics (3PL) partner, download our free checklist by clicking below!