Case Studies
Brand Revamp
Brand revamps are something that retailers look forward to on a quarterly or annual basis. They can range from a specific location inside of a retailer to an entire store. We have offered services for these programs ranging from new fixtures with graphics to perimeter wall units with lighting elements and mannequin placements. Items usually come from multiple vendors throughout the world and are coordinated to arrive at the same time to a team of skilled technicians. Pads are typically cleared of merchandise prior to our arrival, old fixtures are removed offsite and sent to storage or recycled and new fixtures are built onsite. Directives for fixture placement, shelf profiles and graphic layouts are communicated prior to arriving onsite, in addition to assembly instructions and tool requirements. Technicians are required to leave areas free of debris and to wipe down all units and take photos prior to leaving a site.
Department Refresh
Department refreshes are common practice for retailers who own their own space. Fixtures become damaged and dated over time. In order to maintain consistence throughout retail chains, these programs tend to be on the larger scale. This takes organized coordination from all parties involved.
The client must place orders with sufficient lead time, manufactures must ensure product readability, vendors must have items ready for shipping a specific schedule, carriers must maintain transit timelines, local facility warehouses must account for all items, delivery agents must make certain to deliver all items at the same time an installers must arrive within a 24 hour window to ensure that no elements are separated from the shipment. This is a synchronized network of services that STC handles with ease from beginning to end. Establishing timelines and guidelines to keep the schedule without delay.
STC customer service notifies stores 1 week in advance of the impending arrival of fixtures and then again 24 hours prior to the arrival of installers to remind them that we will be onsite. In most cases, the fixtures being replaced must be discarded and must be DE-merchandised upon our arrival. Dumpsters are dropped at stores 1 day prior and hauled away 1 day after in order to give installers offside debris removal capabilities and to keep store floor neat and tidy at all times.
Refreshes can take place prior to or during normal store hours. Teams work swift as to not disrupt shoppers. Store personnel assist with the de and remerchandising and in most scenarios the placement of actual fixtures. In most instances department refreshes are down without floorplans and we rely on the direction of store managers.
Graphic Installation of large backlit fabric, lightboxes in store front windows, hanging banners and vinyl window applications make up the primary of our graphic installs. These typically take place after store hours with 2 technician and require little time. Stores usually receive graphics onsite in advance or we have them sent directly to our install teams to ensure the arrival of items and safeguard install dates. Usually our techs remove old graphics and dispose of offsite. There are times where equipment; scissor lifts and ladders, must be provided or where graphics are incorrectly sized. Technicians are skilled and experienced in these types of programs and can assist with site inspections or retrofits as needed. STC can coordinate all these types of installations with your client or directly with stores in order to provide the most efficient turn-around of these applications.