Auditing Services

At STC Logistics, we offer comprehensive auditing services designed to help you get the most out of your retail spaces. Our audit services go beyond just making sure your retail spaces are meeting code requirements - we track customer traffic, analyze customer preferences, identify shopping patterns and provide comprehensive reports with actionable insights worth sharing with your team.

Main Features

  • Comprehensive Audits
  • Analysis & Insights
  • Actionable Recommendations


Comprehensive Audits: We provide comprehensive audits of your retail spaces, taking into account all aspects of your store layout, design, customer flow and product display.

Analysis & Insights: We provide deep insights into customer preferences, shopping patterns and more, helping you make decisions that increase sales and customer satisfaction.

Actionable Recommendations: After our audit, we provide you with detailed recommendations to help you set up and tweak your retail spaces for maximum efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Auditing Services
Survey & Data Services

Survey & Data Services

Our survey & data services help create a detailed, accurate picture of your retail environment. Our survey teams are experts in collecting data through the use of Matterport, CAD Technology, and other survey methods.

Using 3D point cloud technology, we can survey a space in a fraction of the time it would take a traditional survey team. We utilize the Matterport Scanner to capture the environment and generate a 3D map of a single space or an entire store.

Our computer-aided design (CAD) technology allows us to create accurate, real-time blueprints of a store and its features that can be used to plan out a store renovation.

Take advantage of our survey & data services today and gain the complete picture of your retail space!

Main Features

  • Utilizing Matterport Technology
  • Utilizing CAD Technology
  • Collect Accurate and Detailed Data
Survey & Data Services
Survey & Data Services
Survey & Data Services
Survey & Data Services


Get in contact with our team of experts who can help you audit or survey your retail space quickly and accurately. Our process is simple and hassle-free, just contact us and our auditing, survey & data services team will be available to discuss your needs.

If you have any questions or need any more information, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. Our team is here to help you take full advantage of our auditing, survey & data services and get the most out of your retail space.

Survey & Data Services
Survey & Data Services
Survey & Data Services
Survey & Data Services


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